The Totally Doable Bucket List #1 – December 2022
As you already know, I love bucket lists in all shapes and sizes. Small, big, unrealistic, feasible, long or short term. I have already checked off my big bucket list, everything that is still to come is a bonus on top, for which I am very grateful. Dreams and goals in life are so important and give you hope and perspective, so it always makes me a bit sad when someone has no more dreams for life. It doesn’t always have to be a life-changing trip around the world, because most of the time it’s the little things in life that are even free that give you magical moments.
It’s been almost 10 years since I met the lovely Nina on my world trip on a tour to Kangaroo Island. Nina is a blogger and her focus at that time was increasingly on the topic of travel. Probably, the cutie can’t even remember me, but I still follow her on Instagram and from time to time I drop by her blog, Smaracuja. Nina is now more active on Instagram than on the blog, but a little highlight that I discovered there a long time ago was her “(totally doable) bucket lists“. There are unfortunately only three of them and they all relate to a certain season. The idea of a small, doable bucket list for everyday life has stuck with me and that’s why I’m starting here – inspired by Nina – my monthly series “The totally doable bucket list”. Why am I sharing all this in advance? Especially in the creative field there are many, especially big “content creators” who are actually not a bit creative and like to steal all “ideas” from smaller accounts and channels. The original is not even given credit and reach on social media with a mention, but that’s usually because the content is taken over 1:1, ie stolen. Like most creatives, I think it’s okay to get inspiration from others, but stealing is just really shitty. Something new can never be created by simply copying. Whether in music, literature or art, creatives have always inspired each other and developed new styles and works in conjunction with their own way of expression.
Even though I have absolutely zero reach to share, Nina will definitely never read this post and I will definitely never copy her content, I think it’s important to stay transparent and honest and mention her and her blog as the source of my inspiration. Also, I think it’s nice to show that a brief encounter almost a decade ago, can still inspire you after all this time, have a lasting impact and contribute to the creation of something new.
My monthly bucket lists are meant to inspire you to also create little islands that will get you well through the respective month, maybe try out new things, integrate them into your everyday life without overwhelming yourself and taking on too much. Of course, the bucket list does not always fit exactly to your life circumstances, but it should only be the idea generator for your individual lists. With each new bucket list I would also like to write a short summary of what I have accomplished in the previous month and what was not feasible and unrealistic in the end. So much for the background of this series.
Let’s start with December 2022. Since I’m currently not in my cold home country but on a cute, not so lonely, tropical island, the first two bucket lists will therefore be a little different than being at home in wintry Europe.
December 2022
- going to the christmas market with friends and freeze your butt off while having good conversations and over-sugared children’s punch
- eating a lot of gingerbread and Christmas candy before I leave (…cinnamon, we need more cinnamon!)
- beating the jet lag as fast as possible in early December
- meeting new, interesting people
- having more good, deep conversations
- jumping into a pool
- basically 90% of the time walking around as naked as possible
- in Bangkok, immediately hunting for Sticky Rice with Mango
- discovering new food and especially street food, which I have never eaten before
- really arriving and finally coming down on Koh Tao
- finally seeing the sea again and feeling the sand between my toes
- watching many pink Koh Tao sunsets on the beach
- building a snowman or optionally a sandman (I actually did this 9 years ago!)
- keeping up my sports routine (the trick is simply to never stop…)
- somehow establishing a work routine/ a regular daily routine
- finally launching the blog
- instead of christmas presents looking for individual, meaningful souvenir gifts from here
- absolutely not letting Christmas stress and unfriendly people get to me this year
- being nice to others, even if 99% of the people just before Christmas are just real psychopaths
- avoiding the traditional Christmas fight
- creating a cool Christmas playlist on Spotify or YouTube
- watching bad, shallow Christmas movies to get in the mood for Christmas
- watching my top 3 Christmas movies myself on Christmas Eve
- going out for a really delicious meal on Christmas Eve
- at Christmas definitely swimming in the sea
- making (video) phone calls to family and friends at home on Christmas Eve
- finally answering all messages and send Christmas greetings
- gifting myself for Christmas with the pretty dress in the cute boutique around the corner
- eating less “crap” again after Christmas Eve
- still ignoring New Year’s Eve completely and treat the date as it really is – a day like any other, only with senseless bangers and above-average amounts of boozing and thousands of non-keepable New Year’s resolutions
- instead of New Year’s Eve just celebrating my Name day this year (google it, it’s true!), maybe with a pizza and a non-alcoholic beer on the beach…
- treating myself with a really nice, nasty Thai massage (with literally trampeling on me!)
- properly starting to meditate again (until I left I meditated every day, then I fell off the wagon…)
- taking short but regular yoga breaks from the desk (my back supports this idea!)
- basically walking/ moving more to compensate for sitting so much.
- Pizza! For more variety in my diet here, just my beloved pizza, instead of always Thai Food.
I hope my list is inspiring and helps you through the dark months. In January there will be a review of what I have done and what was perhaps too much. The list should be fun and not put you or me under pressure. Enjoy!